

  1. Go to AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesApex Central.
  2. Under Connection Settings, specify the name that identifies Deep Discovery Inspector in the Apex Central Product Directory.
    Specify a unique and meaningful name to help you quickly identify Deep Discovery Inspector.
  3. Under Apex Central Server Settings, do the following:
    1. Type the Apex Central server FQDN or IP address.
    2. Type the port number that Deep Discovery Inspector uses to communicate with Apex Central.
    3. (Optional) Select Connect using HTTPS if Apex Central security is set to the following levels:
      • Medium: Trend Micro allows HTTPS and HTTP communication between Apex Central and Deep Discovery Inspector.
      • High: Trend Micro allows only HTTPS communication between Apex Central and the Deep Discovery Inspector.
    4. (Optional) If your network requires authentication, specify the User name and Password for your Internet Information Services (IIS) server.
  4. (Optional) If you use a NAT device, select Enable two-way communication port forwarding, and type the NAT device IP address and Port number.
    • Deep Discovery Inspector uses the port forwarding IP address and port forwarding port number for two-way communication with Apex Central.
    • Configuring the NAT device is optional and depends on the network environment.
  5. If you have configured proxy settings for Deep Discovery Inspector and want to use these settings for Apex Central connections, select Connect through a proxy server.
  6. (Optional) Under Suspicious Object Synchronization, do the following:
    1. Select Synchronize suspicious objects with Apex Central.
      You can only choose to synchronize suspicious objects with one source. If you enable Deep Discovery Inspector to sync with Apex Central, you will not receive suspicious objects from any other external sources.
      Before selecting this option, verify that your external sandbox is configured to send suspicious objects to Apex Central.
    2. Type an API Key.
      Log on to Apex Central to obtain an API key.
    Deep Discovery Inspector synchronizes suspicious object lists with Apex Central every 20 seconds, and displays the time of the last synchronization.
  7. Click Test Connection to verify that Deep Discovery Inspector can connect to the Apex Central server.
  8. Click Register if a connection was successfully established.