
Use the SMTP screen, in Administration > System Settings > SMTP, to enable using a SMTP server to send alert notifications through email.

  1. Go to Administration > System Settings > SMTP.

    The SMTP screen appears.

  2. Select Use a SMTP server.
  3. Type the IPv4 address or FQDN of the SMTP server.
  4. Select the security protocol to use for connections to the SMTP server.
  5. (Optional) Modify the port number.
  6. Type a sender email address.
  7. (Optional) If the SMTP server requires authentication, select SMTP server requires authentication, and then type the user name and password used for authentication.

    Verify that the user name and password are valid. Connections made using an incorrect user name and password may cause some SMTP servers to reject all network request originating from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

  8. (Optional) Verify that Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) can communicate with the specified SMTP server and send emails.
    1. Click Send Test Message.

      The Send Test Message dialog appears.

    2. Type at least one valid email address, and then click Send.

      If Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) can communicate with the specified SMTP server, an email with the predefined subject and message will be sent to the specified email addresses.

    3. Check your email account for receipt of the email.