
The task of finding a specific system log entry can be difficult when there may be hundreds or thousands to go through. Use the filters and search box to lower the number of entries shown.

  1. Go to Administration > System Logs.

    The System Logs screen appears.

  2. Click the Filters button.

    Filter drop-down lists and a search box appear.

  3. Perform any of the following actions.
    • Select a log type.

    • Select a log level.

    • Select a log result.

    • Select a period or specify a custom period using the calendar and clock.

    • Type a event ID, source, or description keyword in the search box and press ENTER to only display system logs whose event ID, source, or description contain the keyword.

    The screen is updated immediately.

  4. (Optional) Click Export to export the currently filtered system logs.

    The Export dialog displays.

  5. Confirm the system log filters and select a delimiter to use.
  6. Click OK to export and download the currently filtered system logs to a CSV file with the chosen delimiter.

    The exported system logs are ordered by Log ID, a consecutive number that coincides with the Logged date and time.