
You can also perform the following actions:

Table 1. Other Directory Tasks



Add groups

Add groups to better organize appliances, such as by location or business unit.

To add a group:

  1. Click the menu icon beside the group name and then select Add.

  2. In the text box, type a name with a maximum of 256 characters.

Edit group or appliance names

To edit a group or appliance name:

  1. Click the menu icon beside the group or appliance name and then select Edit.

  2. In the text box, type a name with a maximum of 256 characters.

Sync Threat Intelligence

Tells the appliance to sync threat intelligence from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

To sync threat intelligence, click the menu icon beside the appliance name and then select Sync Threat Intelligence.


Appliances automatically sync threat intelligence from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version). Syncing threat intelligence requires some time to complete. Avoid using this action if possible.

Sync File Passwords

Tells the appliance to sync file passwords from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

To sync file passwords, click the menu icon beside the appliance name and then select Sync File Passwords.


Registered appliances can be configured to automatically sync file passwords from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

Sync Network Asset Settings

Tells the appliance to sync network asset settings from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

To sync network asset settings, click the menu icon beside the appliance name and then select Sync Network Asset Settings.


Registered appliances can be configured to automatically sync network asset settings from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

Move groups or appliances

To move a group or an appliance to a different group:

  1. Click the menu icon beside the group or appliance name and then select Move.

  2. In the window, select the new folder and then click Move.

This function is disabled whenever:

  • Deployment of one or more associated plans is pending or in progress.

  • The appliance tree is filtered by a specific Deep Discovery appliance. To enable the function, change the view to All.

Delete groups

Delete empty or unused groups to simplify the Directory.

To delete a group, click the menu icon beside the group name and then select Delete.


Deleting a group cancels the plans associated with that group and moves appliances to the Unmanaged group. Only groups without unfinished plans can be deleted.

This function is disabled whenever:

  • Deployment of one or more associated plans is pending or in progress.

  • The appliance tree is filtered by a specific Deep Discovery appliance. To enable the function, change the view to All.

Delete appliances

To delete an appliance, click the menu icon beside the display name and then select Delete.

This function is disabled whenever the appliance tree is filtered by a specific Deep Discovery appliance. To enable the function, change the view to All.

  • Deleting an appliance unregisters it from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version), stops all connections, and cancels all associated plans.

  • Deleting a Deep Discovery Inspector appliance causes that Deep Discovery Inspector appliance to automatically unregister from Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics. Correlated events that were derived from data provided by that Deep Discovery Inspector appliance become unavailable.

    Re-registering that Deep Discovery Inspector appliance to Deep Discovery Director does not automatically re-register it to Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics. To restore full functionality, go to the management console of the Deep Discovery Inspector appliance and re-register it to its originally registered Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics server.

Switch views

To switch between custom views, click on the name beside Views and then select the view to switch to.

Customize columns

Customize columns and save new custom views to better organize all the information.

To create a custom view:

  1. Click on the name beside Views and then select Customize columns.

  2. Type a unique custom view name.

  3. Select any combination of columns to include in the custom view.

  4. Click Apply.


The column order can be rearranged using drag-and-drop.

Edit custom views

To edit a custom view:

  1. Click on the name beside Views and then select the pencil icon beside the view.

  2. (Optional) Edit the custom view name.

  3. Edit the combination of columns.

  4. Click Apply.

Delete custom views

To delete a custom view, click on the name beside Views and then select the trash can icon beside the view.