
You can also perform the following tasks:

Table 1. Other Tasks



Edit account

Click on a user name to open the Edit Account screen and do the following:

  • Toggle the account status

  • Change the password

  • Change the email address

  • Change the role

  • Enable/Disable web API access


    This feature or screen is not available when Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) is operating in Standalone Network Analytics mode.

  • Modify the description

  • The passwords and email addresses of Microsoft Active Directory accounts cannot be changed from the management console.

  • Users who are currently logged on to the management console and whose accounts are disabled will be logged off automatically.

  • Users who are currently logged on to the management console and whose roles are changed will be logged off automatically.

Delete account

Select one or more user accounts to delete and then click Delete.

  • There must be at least one local user account using the built-in administrator role.

  • You cannot delete the logged-on account.

  • Users who are currently logged on to the management console will be logged off automatically.

View web API access status

For accounts that have web API access activated, click the Generate New Permission Key icon to generate a new permission key.


This feature or screen is not available when Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) is operating in Standalone Network Analytics mode.

View account lock status

Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) includes a security feature that locks an account in case the user typed an incorrect password three times in a row. This feature cannot be disabled. Accounts locked this way, even administrator accounts, unlock automatically after ten minutes.


Microsoft Active Directory accounts are never locked.

Toggle account status

Click on the toggle in the Status column to enable or disable the user account.

  • At least one local user account using the built-in administrator role must be enabled.

  • Users who are currently logged on to the management console and whose accounts are disabled will be logged off automatically.