
Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version) displays any of the following appliance statuses.

Table 1. Appliance Statuses




The appliance has not received the plan information from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

In progress

Any of the following situations may apply.

  • The appliance has acknowledged receipt of the plan information and has started downloading files.

  • The appliance has acknowledged receipt of the plan information and has started executing the plan.

  • The appliance is downloading the files required to execute the plan.

  • The appliance has downloaded the files and is executing the plan.


The appliance has temporarily stopped downloading files and will resume on the specified download period.


The appliance executed the plan successfully.


Any of the following situations may apply.

  • The appliance was unable to execute the plan.

  • The appliance is performing tasks that do not match the plan information.


Any of the following situations may apply.

  • The appliance has unregistered from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

  • The appliance has been deleted from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).


Any of the following situations may apply:

  • The plan was manually cancelled before the appliance received the plan information from Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version).

  • The plan was manually cancelled while the appliance was downloading files or executing the plan.

  • The plan was manually cancelled while the appliance temporarily stopped downloading files.