The My Account screen displays information related to your Customer Licensing Portal account. You can view details regarding managed services access permissions and basic account information.
You cannot modify your Account name or managed service access permissions using the My Account screen.


  1. Click [account name]My Account.
  2. Modify account information as required.
    • Click Change password to change your current Customer Licensing Portal account password.
      The Change password screen appears. You can then specify the current password, new password, and confirm the new password.
    • Beside the Two-Factor Authentication field, click Configure settings to enable Two-Factor Authentication for your Customer Licensing Portal account.
      Two-Factor Authentication requires that you install the Google Authenticator app on a mobile device. When signing into the Customer Licensing Portal web console, you must provide your Customer Licensing Portal account credentials and then obtain a verification code from the Google Authenticator app in order to access the console.
      To change the mobile device used to sign in using Two-Factor Authentication, click Configure settings, and on the Two-Factor Authentication Configuration screen, click Change device.
    • Modify the available account information.

      Editable Fields

      Email address
      Type the email address of the account owner.
      Type the first and last name of the account owner.
      Contact number
      (Optional) Type the Area code, Contact number, or Extension of the account owner.
      Select the language that all reports and notifications apply for the specified account.
      Select the region for the specified account.
  3. Select Send email notification before product maintenance expires as required.
  4. Click Save.