
Purpose: Importing a Third-Party CA Certificate to the Cloud Edge Cloud Console.

To export or regenerate the default, self-signed CA certificate, see Exporting or Regenerating Certificate.

Location: Administration > Certificate Management

  1. Do the following:
    1. Select a PEM-encoded X509 certificate (.crt or .pem file) by clicking on Browse in the Public Certificate section.

      Only an RSA key-type certificate is supported.

    2. Select the private key for the certificate (must be the key file that matches the .crt or .pem file) by clicking on Browse in the Private Key section.

    The maximum file size for the public certificate and private key is 100 KB.

  2. If the selected certificate file requires a passphrase, enter it in Passphrase (Optional).
  3. Click Save to import the CA certificate.

    Cloud Edge performs a validation check, including the certificate format. If validation passes, the following message displays:

    Successful import of trusted certificate.