You can use the Edit Exception Template screen to manage the network
traffic to allow or block on Security Agents. The Apex One Firewall provides default exceptions that you
can modify or delete.
For more information, see Default Firewall Policy Exceptions.
The following table outlines the tasks available on the Edit Exception
Template screen.
Add new exceptions
Click Add to create a new exception.
For more information, see Adding a Firewall Policy Exception.
Delete existing exceptions
Select an existing exception and click Delete to remove the
exception from the Exception Template list.
Modify existing exceptions
Click the Name of an existing template to modify the exception settings.
Reorder the priority of exceptions
Click Reorder to display the Reorder Exception
List screen and click the up or down arrows next to an exception to change the
priority in which the Apex One Firewall takes action on network traffic.
Save changes to the exception list
Click one of the following buttons to save changes to the Exception
Template list: