Security Agents identify the server that manages them by the server’s name or IPv4/IPv6 address. During the Apex One (Mac) server installation, the installer identifies the server computer’s IP addresses, which are then displayed on the Agent-Server Communication screen.
If you plan to update or replace all of the existing server names and IPv4/IPv6 addresses or change the listening port (in Apex One) or proxy settings, do so before installing Security Agents. If you have installed Security Agents and then make changes, Security Agents will lose connection with the server and the only way to re-establish connection is to re-deploy the Security Agents.
Depending on the version of the Security Agents, the server communicates with Security Agents through one of the following listening ports:
  • For Security Agent version 3.5.3xxx or later: 4343
    Security Agents use the same listening port (the default is 4343) as configured in Apex One.
  • For Security Agent version 3.5.2xxx or earlier: 61617
    Security Agents use the existing server and listening port settings. You cannot change the settings.
  • Ensure that the port numbers are not currently in use to prevent conflicts with other applications and agent-server communication issues.
  • If a firewall application is in use on the server computer, ensure that the firewall does not block agent-server communication through the listening port. For example, if the Apex One Security Agent firewall has been enabled on the endpoint, add a policy exception that allows incoming and outgoing traffic through the listening port.
  • You can configure Security Agents to connect to the server through a proxy server. A proxy server, however, is usually not required for agent-server connections within the corporate network.


  1. Navigate to AdministrationAgent-Server Communication.
    The Server Name and Listening Port section displays the server address and listening port information.
  2. Under Proxy Settings, select an option.
    • No proxy: Select this option if Security Agents connect directly to the server.
    • Use system proxy settings on agents: Select this option to use the system proxy settings configured on the agent conole.
    • Use the following proxy settings when agents connect to the server: Select this option and set the following fields to configure the proxy settings.
      1. Select the proxy server protocol.
      2. Type the proxy server name or IPv4/IPv6 address, and port number.
      3. If the proxy server requires authentication, type the user name and password in the fields provided.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If you are prompted to restart Apex One (Mac) services for the settings to take effect, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the <Server installation folder>.
    2. Double-click restart_TMSM.bat.
    3. Wait until all the services have restarted.