The Security Posture tab provides a holistic summary of your network protection status by consolidating data about the compliance levels, critical threat detections, and detections stopped on your network. You can use the Security Posture chart to quickly identify high risk users and groups from an integrated Active Directory structure.
To change the sample chart data and display sites or reporting lines based on your company network, enable Active Directory integration or create custom sites based on IP addresses.
By default, the Security Posture tab is toggled to Chart view (security-posture-cha_001.jpg). To display the chart nodes, critical threats, and antivirus pattern compliance information in a table, toggle the Table view (security-posture-cha.jpg).
Click the settings icon (dashboard-more-optio.jpgdashboard-settings-i.jpg) to change the following information that displays on the tab.
  • Organization: Specify the display name of the organization.
  • Active Directory grouping: Specify whether the nodes on the chart represent Sites or Reporting Lines from your Active Directory.
  • Groups to display: Select the top number of groups at the highest risk
  • Period: Specify the time range for the data that displays on the chart.