Provides general information about threats detected by Attack Discovery

Detailed Attack Discovery Detection Information

Object Value
The name of the object targeted by the detected threat
Object Type
The type of object targeted by the detected threat
First Logged
The time when the threat detection was first logged by Attack Discovery
File Directory
The directory of the object targeted by the detected threat
Process ID
The PID of the process
CLI Command
The process command that triggered the threat detection
The certificate signer
User Domain
The domain name of the detected user account
User Name
The account name associated with the object
Impersonated User Name
The user name that the threat impersonated
Authentication ID
The local unique identifier assigned to the logon session
Integrity Level
The level of protection or access assigned to the logon user
File SHA-1
The SHA-1 hash value of the object file
File SHA-256
The SHA-256 hash value of the object file
File MD5
The MD5 hash value of the object file
Census Rating
The rating determined by Trend Micro threat experts based on the recorded history of the file
File Security Owner
The current owner of the file according to the file properties
File Security Owner Domain
The domain of the current owner of the file according to the file properties
File Security Previous Owner
The previous owner of the file according to the file properties
File Security Previous Owner Domain
The domain of the previous owner of the file according to the file properties
Registry Key
The registry key that the threat accessed
Registry Value Name
The registry value name that the threat accessed
Registry Value Data
The registry value data that the threat accessed
AMSI App Name
The application name or scripting language associated with the threat
AMSI App Full Path
The full path of the application associated with the threat
AMSI App Version
The application version associated with the threat
AMSI Script Source
The file name and extension of the script source
AMSI Script Content
The content of the script
AMSI Script Source SHA-1
The SHA-1 hash value of the script source
AMSI Script Source SHA-256
The SHA-256 hash value of the script source
Source IP Address
The source IP address of the detected threat
Source IP Address Port
The source IP address port number of the detected threat
Destination IP Address
The IP address that the threat accessed
Destination IP Address Port
The IP port number that the threat accessed
Destination URL
The URL that the threat accessed
Destination Domain
The domain name that the threat accessed
WMI Event
The WMI event information associated with the threat
Windows Event Source
The name of the software that logged the event according to the Windows Event Logs
Windows Event Log Content
The Windows Event log content that triggered the detection
Auth Priv Name
The Authorization Privilege Name that the threat modified
Auth Priv Attribute
The Authorization Privilege Attribute that the threat modified
Auth Priv Disable All
The status of the Authorization Privilege Disable All that the threat modified