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About Scan Actions

Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) provides multiple scan action options for files that contain malware. Specify one of the following actions for Security (for Macintosh) to take when it detects malware in a file

Clean: cleans a file before allowing full access to the file. Lets the specified next action handle an uncleanable file.

Delete: deletes an infected file.

Pass: for Manual and Scheduled Scans, Security (for Macintosh) allows full access to the infected file without doing anything to the file. The file is not moved to a different location (as opposed to the Quarantine action) and a user may copy/delete/open the file. However, if Real-time Scan is enabled, it will be triggered when opening the file.

For Real-time Scan / Scan Now, Security (for Macintosh) denies access to the infected file. An "Access is denied" error message appears when attempting to open the file. Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) does not move the file to a different location. In some instances, Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) may delete the file.

Quarantine: renames and moves an infected file to the client computer's quarantine directory.

Related Topics

About Scan Exception List

About Viruses and Malware

Running a Manual Scan

Setting a Schedule for Scheduled Scan