
Global Scan Settings

There are a number of ways global scan settings get applied to clients.

  1. Go to the following sections and configure the settings:

    Global Scan Settings



    Scan Settings

    Scheduled Scan Settings

    Only clients set to run Scheduled Scan will use the following settings. Scheduled Scan can scan for virus/malware and spyware/grayware.

    Virus/Malware Log Bandwidth Settings

  2. Click Save.


Configure Scan Settings for Large Compressed Files

All clients managed by the server check the following settings when scanning compressed files for virus/malware and spyware/grayware during Manual Scan, Real-time Scan, Scheduled Scan, and Scan Now:

Add Manual Scan to the Windows Shortcut Menu on Client Computers

When this setting is enabled, all clients managed by the server add a Scan with OfficeScan client option to the right-click menu in Windows Explorer. When users right-click a file or folder on the Windows desktop or in Windows Explorer and select the option, Manual Scan scans the file or folder for virus/malware and spyware/grayware.


Scan with OfficeScan Client option

Exclude the OfficeScan Server Database Folder from Real-time Scan

If the OfficeScan client and server exist on the same computer, the client will not scan the server database for virus/malware and spyware/grayware during Real-time Scan.

Exclude Microsoft Exchange Server Folders and Files from Scans

If the OfficeScan client and a Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 server exist on the same computer, OfficeScan will not scan the following Microsoft Exchange folders and files for virus/malware and spyware/grayware during Manual Scan, Real-time Scan, Scheduled Scan and Scan Now.:

For Microsoft Exchange 2007 or later folders, you need to manually add the folders to the scan exclusion list. For scan exclusion details, see the following website:

See Scan Exclusions for steps in configuring the scan exclusion list.

Clean/Delete Infected Files Within Compressed Files

When all clients managed by the server detect virus/malware within compressed files during Manual Scan, Real-time Scan, Scheduled Scan and Scan Now, and the following conditions are met, clients clean or delete the infected files.

For example, Real-time Scan is set to delete files infected with a virus. After Real-time Scan decompresses a compressed file named and detects an infected file 123.doc within the compressed file, OfficeScan deletes 123.doc and then re-compresses, which is now safe to access.

The following table describes what happens if any of the conditions is not met.

Compressed File Scenarios and Results

Status of "Clean/
Delete infected files within compressed files"

Action OfficeScan is set to perform

Compressed file format



Clean or Delete

Not supported

Example: def.rar contains an infected file 123.doc.

OfficeScan encrypts def.rar but does not clean, delete, or perform any other action on 123.doc.


Clean or Delete

Supported/Not supported

Example: contains an infected file 123.doc.

OfficeScan does not clean, delete, or perform any other action on both and 123.doc.


Not Clean or Delete (in other words, any of the following: Rename, Quarantine, Deny Access or Pass)

Supported/Not supported

Example: contains an infected file 123.doc.

OfficeScan performs the configured action (Rename, Quarantine, Deny Access or Pass) on, not 123.doc.

If the action is:

Rename: OfficeScan renames to abc.vir, but does not rename 123.doc.

Quarantine: OfficeScan quarantines (123.doc and all non-infected files are quarantined).

Pass: OfficeScan performs no action on both and 123.doc but logs the virus detection.

Deny Access: OfficeScan denies access to when it is opened (123.doc and all non-infected files cannot be opened).

Enable Assessment Mode

When in assessment mode, all clients managed by the server will log spyware/grayware detected during Manual Scan, Scheduled Scan, Real-time Scan, and Scan Now but will not clean spyware/grayware components. Cleaning terminates processes or deletes registries, files, cookies, and shortcuts.

Trend Micro provides assessment mode to allow you to evaluate items that Trend Micro detects as spyware/grayware and then take appropriate action based on your evaluation. For example, detected spyware/grayware that you do not consider a security risk can be added to the Spyware/Grayware Approved List.

When in assessment mode, OfficeScan performs the following scan actions:

Scan for Cookies

Select this option if you consider cookies as potential security risks. When selected, all clients managed by the server will scan cookies for spyware/grayware during Manual Scan, Scheduled Scan, Real-time Scan, and Scan Now.

Remind Users of the Scheduled Scan __ Minutes Before it Runs

OfficeScan displays a notification message minutes before scanning runs to remind users of the scan schedule (date and time) and any Scheduled Scan privilege you grant them.

The notification message can be enabled/disabled from Networked Computers > Client Management > Settings > Privileges and Other Settings > Other Settings tab > Scheduled Scan Settings. If disabled, no reminder displays.

Postpone Scheduled Scan for up to __ Hours and __ Minutes

Only users with the "Postpone Scheduled Scan" privilege can perform the following actions:

The maximum postpone duration/elapsed time users can specify is 12 hours and 45 minutes, which you can reduce by specifying the number of hour(s) and/or minute(s) in the fields provided.

Automatically Stop Scheduled Scan When Scanning Lasts More Than __ Hours and __ Minutes

OfficeScan stops scanning when the specified amount of time is exceeded and scanning is not yet complete. OfficeScan immediately notifies users of any security risk detected during scanning.

Skip Scheduled Scan When a Wireless Computer's Battery Life is Less Than __ % and its AC Adapter is Unplugged

OfficeScan immediately skips scanning when Scheduled Scan launches if it detects that a wireless computer's battery life is running low and its AC adapter is not connected to any power source. If battery life is low but the AC adapter is connected to a power source, scanning proceeds.

Resume a Missed Scheduled Scan

When Scheduled Scan did not launch because OfficeScan is not running on the day and time of Scheduled Scan, you can specify when OfficeScan will resume scanning:

Enable OfficeScan Clients to Create a Single Virus/Malware Log Entry for Recurring Detections of the Same Virus/Malware Within an Hour

OfficeScan consolidates virus log entries when detecting multiple infections from the same virus/malware over a short period of time. OfficeScan may detect a single virus/malware multiple times, quickly filling the virus/malware log and consuming network bandwidth when the client sends log information to the server. Enabling this feature helps reduce both the number of virus/malware log entries made and the amount of network bandwidth clients consume when they report virus log information to the server.

See also: