
Virus/Malware Scan Actions

The scan action OfficeScan performs depends on the virus/malware type and the scan type that detected the virus/malware. For example, when OfficeScan detects a Trojan horse program (virus/malware type) during Manual Scan (scan type), it cleans (action) the infected file.

For information on the different virus/malware types, see Viruses and Malware.

The following are the actions OfficeScan can perform against viruses/malware:

Virus/Malware Scan Actions




OfficeScan deletes the infected file.


OfficeScan renames and then moves the infected file to a temporary quarantine directory on the client computer located in <Client installation folder>\Suspect.

The OfficeScan client then sends quarantined files to the designated quarantine directory. See Quarantine Directory for details.

The default quarantine directory is on the OfficeScan server, under <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Virus. OfficeScan encrypts quarantined files sent to this directory.

If you need to restore any of the quarantined files, use the VSEncrypt tool. For information on using this tool, see Server Tuner.


OfficeScan cleans the infected file before allowing full access to the file.

If the file is uncleanable, OfficeScan performs a second action, which can be one of the following actions: Quarantine, Delete, Rename, and Pass. To configure the second action, go to Networked Computers > Client Management > Settings > {Scan Type} > Action tab.

This action can be performed on all types of malware except probable virus/malware.


OfficeScan changes the infected file's extension to "vir". Users cannot open the renamed file initially, but can do so if they associate the file with a certain application.

The virus/malware may execute when opening the renamed infected file.


OfficeScan can only use this scan action when it detects any type of Virus during Manual Scan, Scheduled Scan, and Scan Now. OfficeScan cannot use this scan action during Real-time Scan because performing no action when an attempt to open or execute an infected file is detected will allow virus/malware to execute. All the other scan actions can be used during Real-time Scan.

Deny Access

This scan action can only be performed during Real-time Scan. When OfficeScan detects an attempt to open or execute an infected file, it immediately blocks the operation.

Users can manually delete the infected file.

Use ActiveAction

Different types of virus/malware require different scan actions. Customizing scan actions requires knowledge about virus/malware and can be a tedious task. OfficeScan uses ActiveAction to counter these issues.

ActiveAction is a set of pre-configured scan actions for viruses/malware. If you are not familiar with scan actions or if you are not sure which scan action is suitable for a certain type of virus/malware, Trend Micro recommends using ActiveAction.

Using ActiveAction provides the following benefits:

The following table illustrates how ActiveAction handles each type of virus/malware:

Trend Micro Recommended Scan Actions Against
Viruses and Malware

Malware Type

Real-time Scan

Manual Scan/Scheduled Scan/Scan Now


First Action

Second Action

First Action

Second Action

Joke program





Trojan horse program










Test virus

Deny Access














Probable virus/malware

Deny Access or user-
configured action


Pass or user-
configured action


For probable virus/malware, the default action is "Deny Access" during Real-time Scan and "Pass" during Manual Scan, Scheduled Scan, and Scan Now. If these are not your preferred actions, you can change them to Quarantine, Delete, or Rename.

Use the Same Action for all Virus/Malware Types

Select this option if you want the same action performed on all types of virus/malware, except probable virus/malware. If you choose "Clean" as the first action, select a second action that OfficeScan performs if cleaning is unsuccessful. If the first action is not "Clean", no second action is configurable.

If you choose "Clean" as the first action, OfficeScan performs the second action when it detects probable virus/malware.

Use a Specific Action for Each Virus/Malware Type

Manually select a scan action for each virus/malware type.

For all virus/malware types except probable virus/malware, all scan actions are available. If you choose "Clean" as the first action, select a second action that OfficeScan performs if cleaning is unsuccessful. If the first action is not "Clean", no second action is configurable.

For probable virus/malware, all scan actions, except "Clean", are available.

Quarantine Directory

If the action for an infected file is "Quarantine", the OfficeScan client encrypts the file and moves it to a temporary quarantine folder located in <Server installation folder>\SUSPECT and then sends the file to the designated quarantine directory.

Accept the default quarantine directory, which is located on the OfficeScan server computer. The directory is in URL format and contains the server’s host name or IP address.

You can also specify an alternative quarantine directory by typing the location in URL, UNC path, or absolute file path format. Clients should be able to connect to this alternative directory. For example, the alternative directory should have an IPv6 address if it will receive quarantined files from dual-stack and pure IPv6 clients. Trend Micro recommends designating a dual-stack alternative directory, identifying the directory by its host name, and using UNC path when typing the directory.

Refer to the following table for guidance on when to use URL, UNC path, or absolute file path:

Quarantine Directory

Quarantine Directory

Accepted Format



A directory on the OfficeScan server computer



This is the default directory.

Configure settings for this directory, such as the size of the quarantine folder. For details, see Quarantine Manager.

UNC path


A directory on another OfficeScan server computer (if you have other OfficeScan servers on the network)





Ensure that clients can connect to this directory. If you specify an incorrect directory, the OfficeScan client keeps the quarantined files on the SUSPECT folder until a correct quarantine directory is specified. In the server's virus/malware logs, the scan result is "Unable to send the quarantined file to the designated quarantine folder".

If you use UNC path, ensure that the quarantine directory folder is shared to the group "Everyone" and that you assign read and write permission to this group.

UNC path


Another computer on the network

UNC path


A different directory on the client computer

Absolute path


Back Up Files Before Cleaning

If OfficeScan is set to clean an infected file, it can first back up the file. This allows you to restore the file in case you need it in the future. OfficeScan encrypts the backup file to prevent it from being opened, and then stores the file on the <Client installation folder>\Backup folder.

To restore encrypted backup files, see Restoring Encrypted Files.

Damage Cleanup Services

Damage Cleanup Services cleans computers of file-based and network viruses, and virus and worm remnants (Trojans, registry entries, and viral files).

The client triggers Damage Cleanup Services before or after virus/malware scanning, depending on the scan type.

You can select the type of cleanup that Damage Cleanup Services runs:

Damage Cleanup Services does not run cleanup on probable virus/malware unless you select the option Run cleanup when probable virus/malware is detected. You can only select this option if the action on probable virus/malware is not Pass or Deny Access. For example, if the client detects probable virus/malware during Real-time Scan and the action is quarantine, the client first quarantines the infected file and then runs cleanup if necessary. The cleanup type (standard or advanced) depends on your selection.

Display a Notification Message When Virus/Malware is Detected

When OfficeScan detects virus/malware during Real-time Scan and Scheduled Scan, it can display a notification message to inform the user about the detection.

To modify the notification message, go to Notifications > Client User Notifications > Virus/Malware tab.

Display a Notification Message When Probable Virus/Malware is Detected

When OfficeScan detects probable virus/malware during Real-time Scan and Scheduled Scan, it can display a notification message to inform the user about the detection.

To modify the notification message, go to Notifications > Client User Notifications > Virus/Malware tab.

See also: