
Home > Getting Started > Deploying IWSVA > Mode Selection > Deployment: Mode Selection

Deployment: Mode Selection

IWSVA can be deployed in different modes, depending on your network security needs. For more information on which mode to select, see the Deployment Primer in Chapter 2 of the IWSVA Installation Guide.

The Deployment Wizard allows you to configure IWSVA with one of six different types of modes.

To select a deployment mode for IWSVA:

  1. Go to Administration > Deployment Wizard.

  2. Note: The Deployment Wizard launches automatically the first time an administrator logs in.

  1. Click Start on the Welcome page.

  2. Click the radio button of the appropriate mode on the Deployment Mode page:

  3. Transparent Bridge Mode

  4. Transparent Bridge Mode for HA

  5. Forward Proxy Mode

  6. Reverse Proxy Mode

  7. ICAP Mode

  8. Simple Transparency Mode

  9. Web Cache Coordination Protocol (WCCP) Mode

  1. Click Next.

  2. To continue, go to one of the following:

  3. For Transparent Bridge Mode, go to Network Interface.

  4. Note: Transparent Bridge mode requires no mode-specific settings.

  5. For the Forward Proxy mode (standalone and dependent) and the Reverse Proxy mode, go to Proxy Settings.

  6. For the ICAP mode, go to ICAP Settings.

  7. For the Simple Transparency mode, go to Simple Transparency Settings.

  8. For the WCCP mode, go to WCCP Settings.