Recovering Data with the Repair CD Parent topic

Use the Repair CD to attempt to recover data from an encrypted device. However, keep in mind a number of considerations before trying to decrypt the Endpoint Encryption device:
  • Only use the Repair CD if the Endpoint Encryption device is encrypted, or has begun encryption.
  • If the Endpoint Encryption device contains important data, make a backup image before continuing. For instructions, go to
  • Do not attempt to decrypt a laptop unless it is connected to AC power.
  • If the Repair CD does not boot, verify that the Endpoint Encryption device has the latest BIOS version installed. Upgrade the system BIOS if necessary.
  • Drive decryption takes at least as long as the initial encryption process.
  • If a the Repair CD encounters a bad sector, visible progress may slow down. Allow the Repair CD to continue decryption and contact Trend Micro Support before interrupting the process.
Do not interrupt the process after initiating decryption from the Repair CD. Irreversible data loss may occur.