Disconnecting Deep Discovery Inspector from Trend Micro Vision One Parent topic

Disconnect Deep Discovery Inspector from the Network Inventory app in Trend Micro Vision One.

  • Disconnecting Deep Discovery Inspector in the Network Inventory app unbinds Network Analytics and Service Gateway appliances that were integrated with Deep Discovery Inspector.
  • This task is only for Deep Discovery Inspector appliances connected directly to Trend Micro Vision One. For details about disconnecting Deep Discovery Inspector from Deep Discovery Director, see Unregistering from Deep Discovery Director.


  1. On the Trend Micro Vision One console, go to Network Security OperationsNetwork Inventory.
  2. In the Network Inventory list, find your Deep Discovery Inspector appliance and click the Disconnect button (v1-trash-icon.png) at the right of the row.
  3. Click Disconnect.
    For details about re-connecting Deep Discovery Inspector to Trend Micro Vision One, see Direct Connection to Trend Micro Vision One.