Configure update settings and grant agent users certain privileges, such as performing "Update Now" and enabling scheduled update.

  1. Go to Agents > Agent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon () to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click Settings > Privileges and Other Settings.
  4. Click the Other Settings tab and configure the following options in the Update Settings section:
    Option Description

    Security Agents download updates from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate Server

    When initiating updates, Security Agents first get updates from the update source specified on the Updates > Agents > Update Source screen.

    If the update is unsuccessful, the agents attempt to update from the Apex One server. Selecting this option enables agents to attempt to update from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server if the update from the Apex One server is unsuccessful.


    A pure IPv6 agent cannot update directly from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate Server. A dual-stack proxy server that can convert IP addresses, such as DeleGate, is required to allow the agents to connect to the ActiveUpdate server.

    Enable schedule-based updates on Apex One agents

    Selecting this option configures all Security Agents to enable schedule-based updates by default. Users with the Enable/Disable schedule-based updates privilege may override this setting.

    For details on configuring the update schedule, see Configuring Security Agent Automatic Updates.

    Security Agents only update the following components

    This option controls how component updates proceed.

    Select from the following options:

    • All components (including hotfixes and the agent program): Security Agents update all components

    • Pattern files, engines, drivers: Security Agents do not upgrade the Security Agent program or deploy hotfixes

    • Pattern files: Security Agents do not upgrade the Security Agent program, deploy hotfixes, or update engines and drivers


    Selecting All components (including hotfixes and the agent program) may significantly affect server performance as all agents simultaneously connect to the server to upgrade or install a hotfix.

  5. Click the Privileges tab and configure the following options in the Component Updates section:
    Option Description

    Perform "Update Now"

    Users with this privilege can update components on demand by right-clicking the Security Agent icon on the system tray and selecting Update Now.


    Security Agent users can use proxy settings during "Update Now".

    For more information, see Granting Proxy Configuration Privileges.

    Enable/Disable schedule-based updates

    Selecting this option allows Security Agent users to enable and disable scheduled updates using the Security Agent right-click menu, which can override the Enable Schedule-based Updates setting.


    Administrators must first select the Enable schedule-based updates on Security Agents setting on the Other Settings tab before the menu item appears on the Security Agent menu.

  6. If you selected domain(s) or agent(s) in the agent tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:
    • Apply to All Agents: Applies settings to all existing agents and to any new agent added to an existing/future domain. Future domains are domains not yet created at the time you configured the settings.

    • Apply to Future Domains Only: Applies settings only to agents added to future domains. This option will not apply settings to new agents added to an existing domain.