screen appears when you open the
Apex One (Mac)
web console or click
in the main menu.
Refresh the screen periodically to get the latest information.
section displays the following information:
The connection status of all Security Agents with the Apex One (Mac) server. Clicking a link opens the agent tree where you can configure settings for the Security Agents.
The number of detected security risks and web threats
The number of endpoints with detected security risks and web threats. Clicking a number opens the agent tree displaying a list of endpoints with security risks or web threats. In the agent tree, perform the following tasks:
Select one or several Security Agents, click , and then specify the log criteria. In the screen that displays, check the Results column to see if the scan actions on the security risks were successfully carried out.For a list of scan results, see Scan Results.
Select one or several Security Agents, click , and then specify the log criteria. In the screen that displays, check the list of blocked websites. You can add websites you do not want blocked to the list of approved URLs.For details, see Configuring the Approved and Blocked URL Lists.
Detection Status
Detection Status
table displays
the total number of detections for security risks and web threats, and the number
affected endpoints.
Update Status
Update Status
table contains information about
Apex One (Mac)
components and the
Security Agent
program that protects endpoints from security
Tasks in this table:
Update outdated components immediately.For details, see Launching Agent Update from the Summary Screen.
Upgrade Security Agents to the latest program version or build if you recently upgraded the server.For agent upgrade instructions, see Upgrading the Server and Security Agents.