Displays detailed information about pattern files/rules managed products use. Examples: pattern file/rule name, time of the latest pattern file/rule deployment, and which managed products use the pattern file/rule

Table 1. Pattern/Rule Status Data View



Product Entity/Endpoint

This data column displays one of the following:

  • The entity display name for a managed product. Apex Central identifies managed products using the managed product's entity display name.

  • The IP address or host name of a computer with an agent (for example, Apex One agent) installed.

Operating System

This data column displays the operating system of the server on which the managed product installs.

Product Host/Endpoint

This data column displays one of the following:

  • The host name of the server on which the managed product installs.

  • The IP address of a computer with an agent (for example, Apex One agent) installed.

Product/Endpoint IP

This data column displays one of the following:

  • The IP address of the server on which the managed product installs.

  • The IP address of a computer with an agent (for example, Apex One agent) installed.

Update Agent

This data column displays Update Agents for the managed product.


This data column displays the domain of the server on which the managed product installs.

Managing Server Entity Display Name

This data column displays the managing server entity display name.

Connection Status

This data column displays one of the following:

  • The managed product's connection status to Apex Central. Example: Normal, Abnormal, Offline

  • The endpoint agent's connection status to a managed product (Apex One). Example: Normal, Abnormal, Offline


Displays the name of the managed product. Example: Apex One, ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange

Product Version

Displays the managed product's or managed product agent's version number. Example: Apex One 2019, Apex Central 2019

Product Role

Displays the role the managed product or a computer with an agent (for example, Apex One agent) has in the network environment. Example: server


Displays the name of the pattern file or rule. Example: Virus Pattern File, Anti-spam Pattern

Pattern/Rule Version

Displays the version of the pattern file or rule. Example: Virus Pattern File: 3.203.00, Anti-spam Pattern: 14256

Pattern/Rule Status

Displays the pattern file/rule currency status. Example: up-to-date, out-of-date

Pattern/Rule Updated

Displays the time of the latest pattern file/rule deployment to managed products or endpoints.

Apex One Domain Hierarchy

Displays the path on the Apex One domain hierarchy.