You can use the User Roles screen to create custom user roles.

  1. Go to Administration > Account Management > User Roles.

    The User Roles screen appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Add Role screen appears.

  3. In the Role Information section:
    1. Type a unique user role name in the Name field.
    2. Provide a meaningful description for the user role in the Description field.

      The description appears in the User Roles list. Providing a meaningful description can help administrators quickly identify a user role if the user role name cannot fully convey the use for the user role.

  4. In the Menu Access Control section, select the accessible menu items for the user role.
  5. Specify access rights for the selected menu items.
    • Full control, except: Select to allow users to perform all actions available on the accessible menu items

      • Create, copy and import policies: Select to prevent users from creating, copying, or importing policies on the Policy Management screen

        For more information, see Policy Management.

      • Monitor, review, and investigate DLP incidents triggered by all users: Select to prevent users from investigating DLP incidents triggered by all Active Directory users

    • Read only: Select to only allow users to view information on menu items selected in the Menu Access Control section

  6. Click Save.

    The new user role appears on the User Roles screen.