Web Threat Protection feature provides you the server-side control of Web threat protection policies on Android mobile devices and provides three pre-defined security levels: Low, Normal, and High. It also provides blocked and approved lists to block or allow certain URLs. Mobile Security will block all the URLs that you add in the Blocked List, and allow all URLs that are in the Approved List.
The Web threat protection policy only supports Google Chrome and Android’s default Web browser on mobile devices.
Refer to the following table for approved or blocked filtering list configuration details.
Server Control |
User Control |
Description |
Disabled |
Enabled |
The user can edit the approved/blocked list on the mobile device agent. Mobile Security allows or blocks the URLs based on the following priority:
Enabled |
Disabled |
The user is only allowed to edit the approved/blocked list on the mobile device agent. Mobile Security allows or blocks the URLs based on the following priority:
Enabled |
Enabled |
The user can view or edit the approved/blocked list defined by the administrator and can also use the approved/blocked list on the mobile device agent. When the security policies sync with the mobile device agent, it does not sync the filtering lists, and updates all other settings according to the policies. Mobile Security allows or blocks the URLs based on the following priority:
The Web threat filtering approved and blocked lists must use the following format: [URL1] [URL2] [URL3], with a blank space or a line break between two URLs.