This widget shows the recent activity of each of the Vulnerability Protection modules.
You can choose which Vulnerability Protection installation to use as the data source for this widget. To select the data source, click the settings icon (
) and select the source from the provided list.This widget can display aggregated data from multiple Vulnerability Protection installations. The Vulnerability Protection installations represented in this widget are defined on the Server Registration screen. To monitor multiple Vulnerability Protection installations individually, create a new widget for each installation.
To make a Vulnerability Protection installation available to the Vulnerability Protection widgets, go to
and add a new Vulnerability Protection server.The data displayed in the widgets are restricted to what is permitted by the user account privileges.
Use the Range drop-down to select the time period for the data that displays.
Data |
Description |
Module |
The name of the Vulnerability Protection module |
Protected Computers |
The current number of managed computers being protected by the module and the percentage of all managed computers that the number represents |
Event Count |
The number of Events generated by the module during the specified time period |
Trend |
The percentage change from the previous to the current period |