
This widget displays the total number of samples submitted to Virtual Analyzer and the number of these samples with risk. The widget may display data from one or more Deep Discovery Analyzer appliances. The widget presents data in a table and an associated pie chart.




The total number of submissions to Virtual Analyzer.

Identified risks

The total number of submissions with identified risks.

High risk

The total number of high-risk submissions.

Medium risk

The total number of medium-risk submissions.

Low risk

The total number of low-risk submissions.

% of submissions that are risks

The percentage of the total submissions that are risks.

Malicious Events Distribution

A pie chart that shows the percentage of identified risks that are high-risk, medium-risk, and low-risk.

Change the time range by selecting an option in the Range drop-down list at the top left section of the widget.

Change whether the data shown is from all registered Deep Discovery Analyzer appliances or a specific appliance by selecting the option in the Show drop-down list at the top left section of the widget.

After selecting an appliance, view more details by clicking the total number of submissions, the number of submissions with high-/medium-/low-risk, or a section in the pie chart.