To use Apex Central as a local update server for Endpoint Sensor, perform the following steps:
  1. Set up automatic updates in Apex Central.
    1. Open the Apex Central management console.
    2. Go to Administration > Updates > Scheduled Update.
    3. Locate the following patterns:
      • Endpoint Sensor Exception Pattern

      • Endpoint Sensor Trusted Pattern

      • Attack Discovery Pattern

    4. For each pattern, click the pattern name, and select Enable scheduled downloads. Leave everything else at the default values.

      For Endpoint Sensor integration, Automatic Deployment Settings is not supported.

    5. Click Save.
  2. Configure Endpoint Sensor to use Apex Central as its update source.
    1. Open the Endpoint Sensor server management console.
    2. Click Administration > Updates.
    3. Enable Download monitoring rules from the following source.
    4. Select Other update source, and type the following in the textbox below: http://<Apex Central server Name>/TVCSDownload/Activeupdate
    5. Click Save.

Apex Central includes the Endpoint Sensor patterns during the next scheduled update. Afterwards, Endpoint Sensor then downloads these patterns from Apex Central during the next Endpoint Sensor scheduled update.