This widget displays the total unique compromised hosts and groups them by C&C list source.
The default view displays data for the current day.
Use the Range drop-down to select the time period for the data that displays. You can view data for Today, 1 week, 2 weeks, or 1 month.
Data |
Description |
Hosts matched with Global Intelligence |
C&C callbacks detected by Trend Micro Global Intelligence network, including Smart Protection Network. |
Hosts matched with dynamic analyzers |
C&C callbacks detected by dynamic analyzers, including Virtual Analyzer and the Network Content Inspection Engine. Analyzers are built in to products such as Deep Discovery Inspector and Apex One. |
Hosts matched with user-defined lists in managed products |
C&C callbacks detected by products using a user-defined list. An example of a user-defined list is the Deny List in Deep Discovery Inspector. |