
Use this widget to display the resource usage and number of queued samples waiting for Virtual Analyzer processing for selected Deep Discovery Inspector appliances.

By default the widget displays data from all the managed products/servers that a user's account privileges allow.

Click the settings icon ( > ) to configure the following:

  • Title: Specify a new and meaningful title for the widget.

  • Scope: All Products: Click the >> button to specify the products that contribute data for display.

The widget displays the following system resource data to verify that all Deep Discovery Inspector resources are operating within specifications.



Server Name

The server name for each Deep Discovery Inspector appliance

  • View detailed status: Click this option to view product status details. "View detailed status" data can also be viewed through a Product Status log query.

    This table displays percentage of CPU usage, percentage and actual memory and disk usage, and number of queued samples waiting for Virtual Analyzer processing. To assist with troubleshooting, refer to the Product Host, Product IP, Connection Status, and Product Version fields. Deep Discovery Inspector sends a system status update to Apex Central every five minutes. When is displayed, Apex Central is not receiving the latest Deep Discovery Inspector system status logs. Confirm that Deep Discovery Inspector is active and connected.

  • Log-on console: Click this option to access the Deep Discovery Inspector management console. No logon credentials are required.

CPU Usage

The percent of CPU in use by the server

  • is displayed when the server's CPU average exceeds 80%.


    CPU, memory, and disk usage and queue sample limits are not configurable. If alerts are persistent, consider upgrading your Deep Discovery Inspector/Virtual Analyzer appliances.

Memory Usage

The percent of available memory on the server

  • is displayed when memory usage exceeds 80%.


    CPU, memory, and disk usage and queue sample limits are not configurable. If alerts are persistent, consider upgrading your Deep Discovery Inspector/Virtual Analyzer appliances.

Disk Usage

The percent of available disk space on the server

  • is displayed when disk usage exceeds 80%.


    CPU, memory, and disk usage and queue sample limits are not configurable. If alerts are persistent, consider upgrading your Deep Discovery Inspector/Virtual Analyzer appliances.

Samples Queued

The number of queued samples waiting for Virtual Analyzer processing

  • is displayed when the Virtual Analyzer queue exceeds 40 samples.


    CPU, memory, and disk usage and queue sample limits are not configurable. If alerts are persistent, consider upgrading your Deep Discovery Inspector/Virtual Analyzer appliances.