  1. Open the Apex Central management console.

    To open the Apex Central console on any endpoint on the network, open a web browser and type the following:

    https:// <Apex Central server name> /Webapp/index.html

    Where <Apex Central server name> is the IP address or host name of the Apex Central server

  2. Go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration.
  3. On the screen that appears, select Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor as the Server Type, and then click Add.
  4. Specify the details of the server to be added, and click Save.
  5. Go to the Dashboard.
  6. Select an existing tab or create a new tab.
  7. Click the Settings button to the right of the tab display.
  8. Click Add Widgets.
  9. On the screen that appears, select the Endpoint Sensor category from the drop-down list.

    The following widgets are available:

    Table 1. Endpoint Sensor Widgets

    Widget Name


    Intelligent Monitoring Summary by Host

    Displays the endpoints which triggered a monitoring rule. Manually refresh the widget to view the most recent data. To configure the widget settings, click ▼.

    Endpoint Sensor Investigation

    Run an investigation and view a quick summary of the latest Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor investigation started from Apex Central. By default, the widget automatically refreshes every 2 minutes. To configure the widget settings, click ▼.

    For details, see the Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Administrator's Guide.

  10. Select one or both widgets, and click Add.

    Added widgets appear on the Dashboard. These widgets display a summary of the most recent investigations and monitoring results of all the registered servers.


    After registering a new Endpoint Sensor server, refresh the Endpoint Sensor Investigation and Intelligent Monitoring Summary by Host widgets to update the contents of the widgets with data from the new server.