Open the Apex
Central management console.
To open the Apex Central console on any endpoint on the network, open a web browser and type the following:
https:// <Apex Central server name> /Webapp/index.html
Where <Apex Central server name> is the IP address or host name of the Apex Central server
- Go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration.
- On the screen that appears, select Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor as the Server Type, and then click Add.
- Specify the details of the server to be added, and click Save.
- Go to the Dashboard.
- Select an existing tab or create a new tab.
- Click the Settings button to the right of the tab display.
- Click Add Widgets.
On the screen that appears, select the Endpoint Sensor
category from the drop-down list.
The following widgets are available:
Table 1. Endpoint Sensor Widgets Widget Name
Intelligent Monitoring Summary by Host
Displays the endpoints which triggered a monitoring rule. Manually refresh the widget to view the most recent data. To configure the widget settings, click ▼.
Endpoint Sensor Investigation
Run an investigation and view a quick summary of the latest Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor investigation started from Apex Central. By default, the widget automatically refreshes every 2 minutes. To configure the widget settings, click ▼.
For details, see the Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor Administrator's Guide.
Select one or both widgets, and click Add.
Added widgets appear on the Dashboard. These widgets display a summary of the most recent investigations and monitoring results of all the registered servers.
Note:After registering a new Endpoint Sensor server, refresh the Endpoint Sensor Investigation and Intelligent Monitoring Summary by Host widgets to update the contents of the widgets with data from the new server.