ServerProtect for NetApp provides a fully scalable enterprise antivirus solution for organizations using NetApp Devices.
If there is a large volume of incoming files to the NetApp Devices, adding and registering multiple Scan Servers with the NetApp Devices evenly distributes the workload among the registered Scan Servers.
NetApp Devices send files to Scan Servers in "round-robin" fashion. For example, if you have three Scan Servers and the NetApp Devices has four incoming files, the first Scan Server scans the first file, the second Scan Server scans the second file, the third Scan Server scans the third file, the first Scan Server scans the fourth file, and so on.
This even distribution of the workload reduces the loading of Scan Servers (load balancing).
The following procedure describes how to confirm that multiple Scan Servers are working for a single NetApp Device.


  1. Open the command prompt for the NetApp Device that you want to verify.
  2. At the command prompt, type:
    netapp> vscan scanners
    The NetApp Device displays a list of Scan Servers by IP address and NetBIOS name.