Compressed file archives (that is, a single file composed of many separate compressed files) are the preferred form to distribute files by email and the Internet. Because some antivirus software is not able to scan these kinds of files, compressed file archives are sometimes used as a way to "smuggle" a virus into a protected network or computer.
The Trend Micro scan engine can scan files inside compressed archives. It can even scan compressed files that are composed of other compressed files -- up to a maximum of five compression layers.
The Trend Micro scan engine used in ServerProtect can detect viruses in files compressed using the following formats:
  • PKZIP (.zip) & PKZIP_SFX (.exe)
  • LHA (.lzh) & LHA_SFX (.exe)
  • ARJ (.arj) & ARJ_SFX (.exe)
  • CABINET (.cab)
  • TAR
  • GNU ZIP (.gz)
  • RAR (.rar)
  • PKLITE (.exe or .com)
  • LZEXE (.exe)
  • DIET (.com)
  • UNIX PACKED (.z)
  • UNIX LZW (.Z)
  • BASE64
The Trend Micro scan engine can currently only clean compressed files using the PKZIP algorithm. If a virus is found in an archive using other algorithms, they must first be decompressed in a temporary directory, then cleaned.
For compressed file configuration information, see Configuring Real-Time Scan and Configuring Scan Now.