Configure ScanMail to send notifications after taking an action. ScanMail administrators typically send notifications to the Exchange administrator, using a global default for the administrator’s email address.
Administrators can configure ScanMail to send notifications to the person who is to receive the notification and the person listed as the sender for the notification. That is, when sending notifications, ScanMail lists the address configured on the Notification Settings screen as the sender of the message. People receiving the message can contact the sender about the problem.
Setting and applying a global default address for an administrator changes the address in the following locations:
  • Security Risk Scan
  • Spam Prevention
  • Attachment Blocking
  • Web Reputation
  • Content Filtering
  • System Alerts
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Outbreak Alerts
  • Advanced Spam Prevention
Administrators can customize the notification addresses for each of the above locations after applying a default address.
ScanMail divides email traffic into two network categories: internal and external. ScanMail queries the Exchange server to learn how the internal and external addresses are defined. All internal addresses share a common domain and all external addresses do not belong to that domain.
For example, if the internal domain address is "", then ScanMail classifies addresses such as "" and "" as internal addresses. ScanMail classifies all other addresses, such as "" and "" as external.
ScanMail can automatically send notifications in the following situations:
  • Detects and takes action against a security risk or other threat detected in an email message
  • Blocks an infected attachment
  • Detects suspicious URLs
  • Filters out undesirable content from an email message
  • Detects and takes action against a Data Loss Prevention incident
  • Detects a significant system event
  • Detects virus/malware outbreak conditions
For correct resolution of ScanMail notifications with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), import the Management Information Base (MIB) file to the network management tools from the following path in the ScanMail Package: tool\admin\trend.mib.