You can
run a manual scan to ensure that ScanMail scans minimize the chance of infections from unexpected
sources such as unprotected mail servers or improper configurations. For clusters,
ScanMail can scan each
virtual server on one node.
NoteIf you have more than one storage group, you may want to
disable scanning the replicated databases. Go to Manual
Scan and change the databases selected for scanning.
You can perform security risk scan, attachment blocking, content filtering and data
loss prevention through manual scanning. These filters are similar to those used during
real-time scan, except some actions are not available during manual or scheduled scans.
If manual scan is in progress, you cannot start a new Manual Scan process and
ActiveUpdate does not interrupt Manual Scan. However, if a Scheduled Scan is in
progress, starting a Manual Scan stops the scheduled scan. Scheduled scan resumes
according to its schedule.