You can use the Advanced search screen to specify more Mobile Device Agent search criteria.


  1. In the Devices screen, click the Advanced search link. A pop-up window displays.
  2. Select the search criteria and type the values in the fields provided (if applicable):
    • Device Name—descriptive name that identifies a mobile device
    • Phone Number—phone number of a mobile device
    • User Name—user name of a mobile device
    • Asset Number—asset number of a mobile device
    • IMEI—IMEI number of a mobile device
    • Serial Number—serial number of a mobile device
    • Wi-Fi MAC Address—Wi-Fi MAC address of a mobile device
    • Description— description of a mobile device
    • Operating System—confine the search to the specific operating system the mobile device is running; or to the version number for Android and iOS
    • Group—group to which the mobile device belongs
    • Agent Version—Mobile Device Agents version number on the mobile device
    • Last Connected—time range in which a mobile device was last connected to the Mobile Security server
    • Malware Pattern Version—Malware Pattern file version number on the mobile device
    • Malware Scan Engine Version—Malware Scan Engine version number of the mobile device
    • App Name—application installed on mobile devices
    • Infected mobile device agent—confine the search to mobile devices with the specified number of detected malware
  3. Click Search. The search result displays in the device tree.