Mobile Security keeps a record of all the commands you have
executed from the web console and enables you to cancel or resend a command, if
required. You can also remove the commands that have already been executed and are
required to be displayed on the list.
To access the Command Queue Management screen, go to
Command Status
Waiting to Send
The Mobile Security Management Server
is in the process of sending the command to mobile device.
can cancel the command while it is in this status.
Waiting Acknowledgment
The Mobile Security Management Server
has sent the command to mobile device and is waiting for the acknowledgement
from the mobile device.
Unable to execute the command on mobile device.
The command has been executed successfully
on the mobile device.
The command has been canceled before it
was executed on the mobile device.
To keep the size of commands from occupying too much space on your hard disk, delete
the commands
manually or configure Mobile Security administration web console to
delete the commands automatically based on a schedule in the Command Queue
Maintenance screen.