- On the Mobile Security administration web console, go to .
- On the Administrator Accounts tab, click
Create to add a new account. The Create Administrator Account screen appears.
- Under section Account Details, do one of the following:
Account name: name used to log on to the Management Server.
Full name: the user’s full name.
Password (and Confirm Password).
Email address: the user’s email address.
Mobile phone number: the user’s phone number.
Select Active Directory user, and do the following:
Type the user name in the search field and click Search.
Select the user name from the list on the left and click > to move the user to the Selected users list on the right.
To remove the user from the Selected users list on the right, select the user name and click <.You can also select multiple users at the same time by holding Ctrl or Shift keys while clicking on the username. -
- Under section Administrator Role, select the role from the
Choose the administrator role: drop-down list. See Creating an Administrator Role for the procedure for creating administrator roles
- Click Save.