

  1. On the Mobile Security administration web console, go to AdministrationAdministrator Account Management.
  2. On the Administrator Accounts tab, click Create to add a new account.
    The Create Administrator Account screen appears.
  3. Under section Account Details, do one of the following:
    • Select Trend Micro Mobile Security User, and specify the following user account details:
      • Account name: name used to log on to the Management Server.
      • Full name: the user’s full name.
      • Password (and Confirm Password).
      • Email address: the user’s email address.
      • Mobile phone number: the user’s phone number.
    • Select Active Directory user, and do the following:
      1. Type the user name in the search field and click Search.
      2. Select the user name from the list on the left and click > to move the user to the Selected users list on the right.
    To remove the user from the Selected users list on the right, select the user name and click <.
    You can also select multiple users at the same time by holding Ctrl or Shift keys while clicking on the username.
  4. Under section Administrator Role, select the role from the Choose the administrator role: drop-down list.
    See Creating an Administrator Role for the procedure for creating administrator roles
  5. Click Save.