The Suspicious Applications screen displays the application
name, version, security scan status, number of installations and the last time of
scan for all the applications that are installed on mobile devices.
You can also add the applications that are displayed on this screen, to the
Approved List of applications, if you consider any of these applications as
safe. Similarly, you can also remove the applications that you have previously added
to the
Approved List, but now you do not consider them as safe.
Refer to Adding Applications to Approved List and Removing Applications from Approved List for the procedures.
Click on Manage Approved List link at the top-right
of the table to navigate to the Approved List screen to manage the list.
The following table lists the information available for Android and iOS
Application Security Statuses
App name
Name of the app
App version number
Malware scan result
The malware scan may have any of the following results:
Vulnerability scan result
The vulnerability scan may have any of the following risk ratings:
Privacy scan result
The privacy scan may have any of the following risk ratings:
The modified app scan may have any of the following results:
Number of installations
Number of devices installed with the app
Last scanned
Date and time of the last scan
When Mobile Security scans applications
for security risks, it takes the following actions based on the security scan results:
Display the detection on the Dashboard screen on the Android/iOS Application Risk Summary widget
Display the number of detected security risks for the mobile device on the Devices screen under relevant category
Generate a log entry