Use Windows Add or Remove Programs to uninstall File Encryption.


To uninstall Endpoint Encryption agents, the user account must have uninstall rights within the group or policy that the Endpoint Encryption devices are registered to and have local administrator rights.


Any User or Group Authenticator can run the uninstaller in Windows if the policy Full Disk Encryption > Agent > Allow User to Uninstall = Yes.

  • Set the Policies > File Encryption > Computer > Allow User to Uninstall to Yes to allow any User or Group Authenticator to run the uninstaller in Windows.

  • Save and close all documents before starting the uninstall process. A reboot is required when the uninstaller completes.


Decrypt all encrypted files before uninstalling File Encryption. Otherwise, they will become unreadable.

  1. Log on to File Encryption with an account that has permission to uninstall File Encryption.
  2. Open the Windows Start Menu and go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program.
  3. Select File Encryption from the list and then click Uninstall.