You can use the Correlation Data icon on the Correlated Events screen to view correlation data for the selected event.
Not all events detected by Deep Discovery Inspector are listed on the Correlated Events screen. Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics (the appliance) creates correlated data only for detection events it determines are high risk where advanced analytics are of special interest to administrators and can help with advanced analysis of threats.
There are several reason why an event might be listed on the Affected Hosts screen or the Network Detections screen, but is not listed on the Correlated Events screen:
  • The appliance determined that the detected event was not high risk.
  • There are no correlations for that particular event.
  • There are correlations for a particular event, but the appliance is still processing and correlating the event.
    There is a certain delay between when Deep Discovery Director lists a detection in the Network Detections or Affected Hosts screens and when the Correlation Data icon is visible on the Correlated Events screen (if it is determined high risk). Generally the delay is 10-15 minutes, but can be up to 30 minutes under heavy load.


  1. Log on to the Deep Discovery Director console.
  2. Go to DetectionsCorrelated Events.
    The Correlated Events screen opens, which displays the list of detections with correlated events for the specified time period. The Correlation Data icon (icon-correlation.png) is displayed on the left-hand side of the Details column.
  3. (Optional) Change the time period to see more or less correlated events.
    If no events are displayed for the selected time period, increase the time period until you can see correlated events.
    You can use additional filters to filter the results displayed in the Correlated Events screen to make selection of the desired correlation data easier. See the Deep Discovery Director Administrator's Guide for more information.
  4. Click on the Correlation Data icon (icon-correlation.png).
    The Correlation Data screen opens.

What to do next

Use the Correlation Data screen for advanced analysis and to view threat histories for detected threats.