Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics (the appliance) uses Deep Discovery Inspector's detection data for analysis and correlation. Therefore, you must configure Deep Discovery Inspector to send syslogs to the appliance.
To perform this task, you must first access the appliance's Settings screen and record the syslog IP address and port number, then log on to Deep Discovery Inspector and use the recorded information to add the appliance as a syslog server.


  1. Perform on Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics
  2. Log on to Deep Discovery Director and access the Settings screen.
  3. Go to Syslog Settings and record the syslog IP address and port number.
    You can change the syslog port number if desired.
  4. Close the Settings screen.
  5. Perform on Deep Discovery Inspector.
  6. Log on to the Deep Discovery Inspector console.
  7. Go to AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesSyslog.
  8. Click Add.
    The Add Syslog Server screen appears.
    Add Syslog Server
  9. Select Enable syslog server.
  10. In Server name or IP address and Port, type the IP address and port number identified in Step 2 above.
    The default Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics syslog port is 514.
  11. Configure the following:
    Field Value
    Facility level
    The facility level specifies the source of a message.
    Syslog severity level
    The syslog severity level specifies the type of messages to be sent to the syslog server. Deep Discovery Inspector will send informational and above messages.
    Log format
    Trend Micro Event Format (TMEF)
    Specifies the format with which to send event logs to the syslog server. Trend Micro Event Format (TMEF) is the format used by Trend Micro products for reporting event information.
    Logs to send to the syslog server
    • Select all logs in the Detection logs section.
      Do not select logs in the System event logs section.
  12. Select Connect through a proxy server to use the settings configured on AdministrationSystem SettingsProxy to connect to a syslog server.
    Select this option if Deep Discovery Inspector requires the use of proxy servers for intranet connections.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Log out of the Deep Discovery Inspector console.