Use the Hotfixes / Patches screen to apply hotfixes and patches to Deep Discovery Analyzer. After an official product release, Trend Micro releases system updates to address issues, enhance product performance, or add new features.

Table 1. Hotfixes / Patches

System Update



A hotfix is a workaround or solution to a single customer-reported issue. Hotfixes are issue-specific, and are not released to all customers.


A new hotfix may include previous hotfixes until Trend Micro releases a patch.

Security patch

A security patch focuses on security issues suitable for deployment to all customers. Non-Windows patches commonly include a setup script.


A patch is a group of hotfixes and security patches that solve multiple program issues. Trend Micro makes patches available on a regular basis. Non-Windows patches commonly include a setup script.

Your vendor or support provider may contact you when these items become available. Check the Trend Micro website for information on new hotfix and patch releases: