1. Go to Alerts / Reports > Reports > Generated Reports.

    The Generated Reports screen appears.

  2. Click Generate New.

    The Generate Report window appears.

  3. Configure report settings.
    Option Description


    Select an operational report template.


    Type a description that does not exceed 500 characters.


    Specify the covered date(s) based on the selected report template.

    • Daily operational report: Select any day prior to the current day. The report coverage is from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of each day.

    • Weekly operational report: Select the day of the week on which the report coverage ends. For example, if you choose Wednesday, the report coverage is from Wednesday of a particular week at 23:59:59 until Thursday of the preceding week at 00:00:00.

    • Monthly operational report: Select the day of the month on which the report coverage ends. For example, if you choose the 10th day of a month, the report coverage is from the 10th day of a particular month at 23:59:59 until the 11th day of the preceding month at 00:00:00.


    The file format of the report is PDF only.

    Send to all contacts

    Select the checkbox to send the generated report to all contacts.


    Select a contact from the drop-down list, or type an email address and press ENTER.

    You can type a maximum of 100 email addresses, typing them one at a time.


    You must press ENTER after each email address. Do not type multiple email addresses separated by commas.

    Before specifying recipients, configure the SMTP settings in Administration > System Settings > SMTP .


    Deep Discovery Analyzer generates reports approximately five minutes after Send is clicked.

  4. Click Generate.