Use the Firmware tab to apply an upgrade to Deep Discovery Analyzer. Trend Micro prepares a readme file for each upgrade. Read the accompanying readme file before applying an upgrade for feature information and for special installation instructions.


After applying the firmware update on hardware models 1100 and 1200, Deep Discovery Analyzer automatically migrates the settings of a Deep Discovery Analyzer 7.0 (with critical patch b1259) or 7.1 (with critical patch b1149) installation to 7.2.

Perform the following tasks when using Deep Discovery Analyzer in a high availability cluster configuration.

  1. Detach the passive primary appliance.

  2. On the active primary appliance, perform the tasks as described in the main task section below.

  3. On the passive primary appliance, perform the tasks as described in the main task section below.

  4. Add the passive primary appliance to the cluster again.

Perform the following steps to install the upgrade.

  1. On the logon page of the management console, select Enable extended session timeout and then log on using a valid user name and password.
  2. Go to Administration > Updates and click the Firmware tab.
  3. Click Choose File or Browse, and select the firmware upgrade file.
  4. Click Install.

    Do not close or refresh the browser, navigate to another page, perform tasks on the management console, or power off the appliance until updating is complete.

    Deep Discovery Analyzer will automatically restart after the upgrade is complete.

  5. Clear the browser cache before you access the management console.