1. Go to Administration > Accounts / Contacts, and then go to the Account tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add to create a new user account.

    • Click the name of an existing user account to change the account settings.

  3. To add a local account, select Local user as the account Type and provide the following details.
    • Name: Name of the account owner.

    • User name: User name supports a maximum of 40 characters.


      The user name is case insensitive for new account creation and management console logon process.

    • Password: Type a password that contains at least 8 characters and includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

      • To increase password complexity requirements, configure the global password policy in Administration > System Settings > Password Policy tab. The password policy is displayed in the window and must be satisfied before you can add a user account.

      • When a user exceeds the number of retries allowed while entering incorrect passwords, Deep Discovery Analyzer sets the user account to inactive (locked). You can unlock the account on the Accounts screen.

    • Confirm password: Type the password again.

    • (Optional) Description: Description supports a maximum of 40 characters.


    If a new local user account is used to log into the management console for the first time, the system will prompt the user to change the account password.

  4. To add an Active Directory user, select Active Directory user as the account Type, and provide the following details.
    • User name or group: Specify the User Principal Name (UPN) or user group name.


      To quickly locate a specific user name or group, type a few characters in the text box and click Search.

    • (Optional) Description: Description supports a maximum of 40 characters.

  5. To change the password of a local account, select Change password and configure the required fields.
    • If you are logged in as an administrator, you can change the password of a local user account by typing the new password twice. You do not have to provide the original password for the local user account.

    • If the password of a local user account is changed by an administrator, the system will prompt the user to change the account password again upon login.

  6. Select the role and associated permissions of the user account.
    • Administrator: Users have full access to submitted objects, analysis results, and product settings

    • Investigator: Users can reanalyze submitted objects, submit objects, and download the investigation package (including submitted objects), and have read-only access to analysis results and product settings

    • Operator: Users have read-only access to submitted objects, analysis results, and product settings

  7. (Optional) Select Add to contacts to add the user account to the Contacts list, and provide the following details:

    Contacts receive email alert notifications by default.

    • Email address

    • (Optional) Phone number

  8. Click Save.