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About Compressed File Scan

Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) performs the following tasks when it encounters a compressed file:

Step 1

Extracts the files and scans them

Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) begins by extracting the first compression layer. When the first layer is scanned, Security (for Macintosh) proceeds to the second layer and so on until all compression layers, up to (5) five, have been scanned. If the compression layer exceeds (5) five, Security (for Macintosh) automatically performs the action specified in the Scan Settings screen.

For Real-time scan, Security (for Macintosh) scans up to compression layer 3 by default. For Manual and Scheduled scan, Security (for Macintosh) scans up to compression layer 5. Security (for Macintosh) does not scan any layers beyond the default settings.

Step 2

Performs a user-configured action on any infected file.

Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) can clean two types of compressed files: ZIP and LHA. However, Trend Micro™ Security (for Macintosh) can only clean the first layer of files of these types.

To prevent an infection from compressed files, set Security (for Macintosh) to quarantine or delete compression types that it cannot scan or clean.

Security (for Macintosh) supports the following compression types:

Extension - Type

.zip - Archive created by Pkzip

.rar - Archive created by RAR

.tar - Archive created by Tar

.arj - ARJ Compressed archive

.hqx - BINHEX

.gz; .gzip - Gnu ZIP

.Z - LZW/Compressed 16bits

.bin - MacBinary

.cab - Microsoft™ Cabinet

Microsoft™ Compressed/MSCOMP

.eml; .mht - MIME

.td0 - Teledisk format

.bz2 - Unix BZ2 Bzip compressed file

.uu - UUEncode

.ace - WinAce

Related Topics

About Manual Scan

About Real-time Scan

About Scheduled Scan