About Hashes Parent topic

Trend Micro Safe Lock calculates a unique hash value for each file in the Approved List. This value can be used to detect any changes made to a file, since any change results in a different hash value. Comparing current hash values to previous values can help detect file changes.
The following table describes the hash check status icons.

Hash Check Status Icons

Icon Description
green.png The calculated hash value matches the stored value.
orange.png The calculated hash value does not match the stored value.
blue.png There was an error calculating the hash value.
Moving or overwriting files manually (without using the Trusted Updater) can result in the hash values not matching, but the mismatch could result from other applications (including malware) altering or overwriting existing files. If unsure why a hash value mismatch has occurred, scan the endpoint for threats with Trend Micro Portable Security.