Security Enforcement

Security Enforcement

Security enforcement works only if you integrate Threat Mitigator with an enforcement device.

In security enforcement, Threat Mitigator issues a set of security assessment rules to Threat Management Agent, the endpoint-based program that assesses the endpoint’s compliance against the rules and reports non-compliance to Threat Mitigator. When an endpoint is non-compliant, Threat Mitigator initiates any of two actions - Quarantine and Log Only.

Security enforcement also adds another level of protection during threat mitigation. If there are unresolved threats after post-assessment cleanup, Threat Mitigator notifies an enforcement device to quarantine the endpoint. For details about threat mitigation and post-assessment cleanup, see Threat Mitigation.

An enforcement device sits between Threat Mitigator and Threat Management Agents. Using a set of SNMP commands, the device controls the same network switch from which Threat Discovery Appliance mirrors network traffic.

An enforcement device hosts the following programs:

See also: