Understanding Product Directory

Take care when planning the structure of the Product Directory, a logical grouping of managed products, because it affects the following:

As shown in this sample Product Directory, managed products identify the registered antivirus, anti-spyware or content security product, as well as provide the connection status.


These are Product Directory icons:




New entity or user-defined folder name

InterScan eManager


ServerProtect Information Server

ServerProtect Domain

ServerProtect for Windows (Normal Server)

ServerProtect for NetWare (Normal Server)

InterScan Messaging Security Suite

InterScan Web Security Suite

InterScan VirusWall for Windows

InterScan VirusWall for UNIX

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange

ScanMail for Lotus Notes

Network VirusWall

NetScreen Global PRO Firewall

Managed Product connection status icon


Arrange the Product Directory using the Directory Manager. Use descriptive folders to group your managed products according to their protection type and the Control Manager network administration model. For example, grant access rights to mail administrators to configure the Mail folder.

See also:

Understanding Directory Manager

Understanding User Accounts