Understanding Update Manager

Update Manager provides functions that help you update the antivirus and content security components of your Control Manager network.

Updating the Control Manager network involves two steps:

  1. Downloading components

    Select the components to download.

    Choose a download source:

    • Internet: Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server - by default, Control Manager implements digital signature checking whenever it downloads components from the ActiveUpdate server

    Aside from this, you can enable HTTPS when downloading components from the ActiveUpdate server.

    • Other Internet source - specify multiple Web sites (for example, your local Intranet Web site) from where Control Manager can download updates

    • UNC - specify a shared folder in your network from where Control Manager can download updates

    Choose a download method:

    Control Manager only downloads components needed by its managed products.

    • Scheduled download - implement scheduled downloads to automatically obtain update components according to the schedule that you set

    The Control Manager server provides four (4) predefined scheduled download settings.

    Control Manager's download options allow you to select which components to download, when, and how often to obtain the updates, and where to get them.

  2. Deploying components

    If you configured your scheduled or manual download to either use a Deployment Plan, or to "deploy immediately", Control Manager deploys components after it completes their download. Otherwise, you will have to invoke an on-demand deployment.