Understanding the Outbreak Prevention Mode

Even before receiving the appropriate pattern file from Trend Micro, an enterprise can deflect, isolate and stem attacks with the help of attack-specific information and Outbreak Prevention Policies from Trend Micro Outbreak Prevention Services. With Outbreak Prevention Services, you can centrally deploy policy recommendations to minimize coordination efforts and help ensure a consistent application of policies throughout the network. Policy recommendations delivered via Outbreak Prevention Services help system administrators respond quickly against new viruses to contain outbreaks, minimize system damage and prevent undue downtime.

Using deployment plans you can restrict the application of Outbreak settings to specific segments of the network if you have divided your network segment into different deployment plans. This approach can prove very useful for large networks composed of several sites. Administrators can apply the settings to only those areas actually affected by the outbreak.

Outbreak Prevention Mode includes the following elements:

Outbreak Prevention Services provide recommendations for managed products that must be set.

This enables you to automatically update new virus patterns as soon as they become available.

See also:

Start Outbreak Prevention Mode

Understanding Outbreak Prevention Mode

Understanding Outbreak Prevention Policies